Frequently asked questions


The Manuals4you team has created this FAQ page so that you can rapidly find answers to your questions!

Most frequently asked questions

Manuals4you allows you to find the instructions you need among more than 27 000 instructions ! A manual can always be useful when we want to use a device we have just bought or simply repair a device.

You can have unlimited access to our updates and to our various services during a trial period of 72 hours for £1.49 and then £24.90 a month. Of course, you will have premium access to our Manuals4you site and personal access where you can store and access your various documents 24/7.

You can only pay for Manuals4you by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, etc.). All transfers are protected by an HTTPS certificate and an SSL protocol.

If you cancel your subscription then it will end instantly. We have set up a cancellation system that allows you to quickly end your subscription for free.

Other asked questions

To terminate your Manuals4you subscription, simply go to the termination page dedicated to this reason. Then just follow the instructions. The cancelation of your Manuals4you subscription is completely free and fast!

When you registered with Manuals4you you received an email with your login and password to connect to your personal Manuals4you space.

If you don't know the email address you used when you registered to Manuals4you, it doesn't matter, just notify the Manuals4you advisors. You can go to the contact page or send an email to [email protected] or call our advisors on Manuals4youManuals4you.