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  • Download your manuals
    Once you have subscribed to our premium offer, you will be able to download all our manuals on any supports! An efficient solution to always have your manuals close to you!
  • A secure storage space
    Thanks to our premium service you have access to a fully secure online storage space! You will be able to store your documents and access them from any supports!
  • Search for your manual
    If unfortunately we don't have the manual you need, we will do the research to find it for you as soon as possible!
  • Subscription information
    The premium service of offers you unlimited access to all our services for £1.49 for 72 hours and then £24.90 per month. Of course no commitment has been asked of you and you can cancel your subscription for free and instantly!
  • Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back:
    In the unlikely event that we are unable to locate your leaflet from our database of 25,000+, our Premium Support Service will search and find it immediately. In the even rarer event that we cannot find the requested leaflet, you will immediately receive a refund.

We inform you that implements a data processing of a personal nature, for which society is responsible, the purpose of which is the creation, the management, monitoring and operation of the service and your customer account, managing and monitoring the relationship with customers and prospects in general, managing your identification, sales and marketing management, the implementation of communication, animation and segmentation operations, the management of requests for rights of access, rectification and opposition. In the absence of the data collected via this form and indicated as mandatory, your account cannot be created, and the other purposes pursued could also be affected. You also have the possibility, optional, to provide other data directly related to the act, which interests you. In addition, none of the data, whether mandatory or not, will be subject to conservation by if you do not finalize the registration to eBook service until payment. This information is intended for the services skills of and possible subcontractors as well as its contractual and commercial partners for the aforementioned purposes. Consistent the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978, you have a right of interrogation, access and rectification of data concerning you, as well as a right opposition for legitimate reason that the personal data you concerning the treatment and the right to oppose prospecting especially commercial. These rights are exercised by mail accompanied by a copy of an Identity title signed to the e-mail address [email protected].

Premium Service Benefits

Immediate download

Thanks to our offer you have the possibility to get your leaflet directly after your registration! Download on any platform!

Unlimited access

Get unlimited access to our record library so you can download all the records you need!

Specialists available to find your manual

If, sadly, we don't have the manual that you need, we'll do the research to find one for you as soon as possible!

Subscription information

The premium service of Manuals4you offers you unlimited access to all our services for £1.49 for 72 hours and then £24.90 per month. Of course no commitment has been asked of you and you can cancel your subscription for free and instantly!

Benefits of Manuals4you

Can't find the instructions you need? No problem, the Manuals4you advisors are there to help you! Just contact them so that they can find the instructions you need!

A simple solution
Professional diagnosis
Online support

The benefits of our premium subscription

Complete Access to our Library

You'll have 24/7 access to our online manual library with your Manuals4you premium membership!

Professional Customer Service

Manuals4you provides its premium subscribers with a professional customer service dedicated to them! You can contact our advisers Monday through Saturday, from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm!